After ending our last day at SEKUCO with a certificate ceremony we
headed out to Muller Lodge for a peaceful lunch among beautiful
landscape and friendly company. Efream and I played pool (I got my butt
kicked) and we all enjoyed some cold beverages :) After we filled out
tummies, it was off to the waterfalls for some hiking and adventure!
our arrival, many many kids greeted us with warm smiles and Jambo's.
Efream informed us that the 3 older boys would stay back to watch the
car while the rest would join us on our hike to make sure we got there!
We began our climb, with Marilyn on Efreams shoulder (what a gentleman).
After about 20 minutes we arrived at the most beautiful clearing with
large rocks to climb on. The boys showed us how to jump the rocks and
climb over to where the waterfall was. I took the first step onto the
platform near the waterfall and landed smack on my butt due to the
slipperyness of the boulder! Bruises were no doubt in my future! We took
many many pictures, hung around with the local boys and then headed
back to make sure our car was still in tack. On our way, the boys
pointed out a couple of camelions that were really neat to see up close!
Though we had wonderful local tour guide children, we had no idea what
was in store for us when we returned to the cars. Earlier we had given
the children "pi-pi" (candy) but decided since they were so cute and
nice we needed to offer them some money for guiding us the waterfalls.
We got back to the cars, which were still in one piece, but MASS CHAOS
arose when we began to give our shillings to those that helped. It was
as if every child in the village came down to our car. Looking back, I
guess we all would be running to a car handing out money no matter where
we were! The children got in fights with each other, tears were shed,
but we attempted to make it as fair as possible and all were happy upon
our departure. Tired and no doubt hungry again, we headed back for a bit
of rest and then met for dinner at the hostel.

The Beautiful Lushoto, Usumbara Mountain Waterfall we hiked to!.... notice all the boys up top!
group decided not to make plans for breakfast since there was no need to
get up at a certain time. AJ and I stayed in the room and enjoyed
breakfast bars and hot showers and then met up with Marilyn, Valerie,
Mindy, and Ellen for some more Kitange (fabric) shopping. We checked
around for several tailors to make us skirts by tomorrow and landed
ourselves at a wonderful little shop that was willing to make us each
one for 10,000 shillings (7 America Dollars) by tomorrow! So excited, we
headed back to the hostel to meet the others and head back to the
Irente Children's Home! After our 3 days of teaching at the college, I
was now equipped with an empty suitcase and ready to take Husaini', my
favorite little orphan boy, home with me! Efream seems to think I
probably need some padding (which I've already informed him I've bought
enough Kitange' for that, and that we should look into getting some
sleeping pills :) for the poor guy) (Picture Below!) We were all
so excited to get back to the babies! We stayed for 3 hours listening to
Mama Endamu's stories, playing with the children's, taking them on
walks, feeding them there porridge, and making plans to sponsor them in
the future!

Husaini! My new intelligent, hilarious, African Child!
After many hours of play, we headed back
down the mountain for some regrouping and then decided to head back to
the restaurant, of which we got kicked out of just nights before, for
some dinner and drinks! This time we were a bit more tame, but managed
to liven the place up a bit with our African Folk Music :) We had lots
of fun reliving some of our adventures from our travels this far and
ended the night with some singing and story telling.
we are leaving the Tumaini and heading farther up the mountain to
Irente Viewpoint Cliff Logdge for a one night stay and then heading back
towards Arusha for the beginnings of our Safari! At the lodge we plan
to climb to the viewpoint and take pictures at the cliff and under
neither the cliff in the caves of Irente! (Pictures to come, we
Until next time, we are glad you are all
tuning in to hear about our adventures! We are having such a great time
and enjoying each others company beyond a doubt!
Kwaheri! Usikumwema (Goodbye and Goodnight!)