Saturday, June 25, 2011

And the journey begins....

Jambo, readers! We are so thrilled that you are tuning in for our adventures as we move across Tanzania! Since we didn't have Internet in Dulles' airport, I am typing this during the 8th hour of our 13 hour flight to Ethiopian and pasteing it where ever we get Internet next. (boredom has definitely kicked in). So here has been our experiences thus far...

Our journey began at MCI airport at 3pm (much better than our 4am flight last year) Our flight left at roughly 5pm and we were set for Washington D.C. The saying "it's 5 o'clock somewhere" was certainly relevant at the time, especially considering the nerves that were present in all of us! Amber, Marilyn, and I decided on beer with some tomato juice, while Valerie chose wine.... little did we know the one and ONLY!!! flight attendant was perhaps a few shades short of bright! Being in the middle of the plane, we FINALLY received our beverages just as the announcement was being made that we were "beginning our final decent into D.C." (poor folks at the front of the plane) Stunned, we quickly drank (rather chugged) our bloody beers/wine and were off to catch the shuttle to our hotel for the evening.

After lots of strenuous strolling with nearly 550 total lbs of luggage, we found the Comfort Inn Shuttle, check in, dropped of luggage, and caught the shuttle to O'Malley's Irish Pub. Starving by this time of night, we ordered 2 orders of fish and chips, with some spinach dip to share with the table. To all of our surprise, what we thought would be strips of fish, came out piping hot as an ENTIRE fish! Guess that's what we get for being on the East coast close to the ocean. Marilyn was disgusted at the sight, so mama Nicole had to cut it up into pieces so she could eat the darn thing! With full bellies and a tired mind, we headed back to the hotel for some quick rearranging with luggage and some much needed R&R before our long day of traveling ahead! (disclaimer: I forgot to mention that Valeria had to pay $100 at MCI for having an extra bag and I had to pay $100 for having a bag that weighed 66lbs. there is just no easy way to pack for a month folks!)

We got the weight and extra baggage under control and caught the airport shuttle after a quick continental breakfast around 9am. The check in process proved to be much less hectic than last years. My luggage weighed in at 44lbs. and 55lbs. so I was A-Okay! It was time now to wait for the chaotic boarding procedures at noon. It just so happens that Amber and I were seated next to each other in row 25 and Marilyn and Valerie were seated next to each other in row 13. The loooong flight has not been bad at all (I might change my mind after the last remaining hours) We also still have another 2 hour flight ahead of us from Ethiopia to Kilimanjaro. We are scheduled to arrive in Tanzania at 12pm so we will have most of the afternoon to get settled in at the Impala Hotel in Arusha.

Tune in to hear about our Arusha stay next post!
Hope all is well back in the "states", and know that we are more then ecstatic to be back in Africa!

Kwaheri! (goodbye)

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