Monday, July 18, 2011

Full immersion......

I know some of you have just been dieing to hear about our African Church experience, and boy what an experience it was!!!!

Amber was still feeling ill and Lily, our hotel quest relations personnel who invited us to her "born again Christian church", suggested that she stay home since there would be a lot of people there.

So off Marilyn and I went... Lily was to pick us up at 10 am, of course being on African time, she rolled in about 10:40 with her boyfriend and his friend. We started for the church, but had to make a stop for the girls to get in a taxi. Lily then explained that her church did not allow un-married couples to arrive together at church. The taxi drove us into a neighborhood with dirt roads and many small homes. We got out and could immediately hear the gospel music. People where streaming into the church. Lily took my hand and we were directed to sit up front. By this time, Marilyn and I were so stunned at all that was going on around us, we weren't really sure what to think or do. Their was loud music being sung, people with flags that said "Pray for Africa" parading around and about 750 of our closest, new, friends! Their were people in the upper balconies, people outside watching the stage on projection screens, and many of the elders sitting on the left of the stage.

Background information: This Sunday's celebration was to celebrate the Pastor's wife who is 58's, 5 month old baby girl! The story of Sarah and Abraham was shared and voiced throughout the ceremony. It was considered the miracle of God, that after nearly 20 years of marriage the couple was now being blessed with a child. Pretty amazing really!

Now for the breakdown of the ceremony...
11:00-12:30 Music, choreographed dancing,  and comedy
12:30-1:00 scripture readings and thank you's by the Pastor and his wife
1:00-1:30 offerings of about 4 different varieties (we were more then confused.... we went up to give our offering the first time around, but then weren't sure what to do for the next 3)  One offering was offered to the baby, one to the church it self, one to the bishop, and one to the sermon givers.
1:30-2:30 full on, fire and brimstone sermon by two twin brothers from Uganda
2:30-3:30 singing, praising, baptisms, and individual blessings of each and every child under 1!
3:30-4:00 introduction and speeches by each of the elders

We had had our fair share of fun at about 1 after the entertaining singing and dancing. You don't realize how much it takes out of you to listen to people speech a different language for 4 and half hours! Marilyn and I were literally shaking from no food or water in our systems since 9 that morning. Lily had to leave around 2 to go and pick a client from the airport. We felt rude leaving but were seriously exhausted from our morning/afternoon of church. We decided to sneak out when the clock hit 4pm. We weren't exactly sure how we were going to get home since we had no idea where we even were and where their would be taxis, so we just started walking back the way we came in. Minutes after our departure a gentleman stopped us and told us that "Tina was coming!!" Tina?? we responded... "Ya, Tina Tina!" I remembered that the lady sitting next to Marilyn during the services name was Christina. Christina was instructed to keep an eye on us while Lily was gone. We started walking back towards the church, to find Christina standing and waving for us. We were caught!!!! We had left without "permission." I had felt rude, but had truly had enough for one Sunday. To our surprise and it must have truly been a God-send, Cyprian, our driver,  pulled up with Lily in the car. Lily immediately demanded that we stay for the "feast" that was going to be held after the service. We explained that were were very tired and wanted to get back to check on Amber since we had been gone longer then intended. We have never been so happy to see Cyprian in our entire lives! It was truly a miracle that he showed up at the exact time that we were in need of a taxi!

 Marilyn Dancing and Singing Praises with Christina
Baby Naomi that I held off and on throughout the 4 and 1/2 hours! It kept me entertained :)

What an experience! It was truly something to be seen, heard, and experienced! Even though it was very tiring, and at times VERY loud, we are so thankful that Lily invited us and that we got to share in an authentic cultural experience!

Side note: Sorry if this description was confusing! It is late in the evening on Monday. We have taught at two different Autism Units, visited the Ministry of Education, AGAIN, and visited with a seamstress who is making Marilyn and I outfits (tops and skirts) out of our Punda Milia (Zebra) Kitange we purchased a few days ago. Needless to say, we are all worn out, ready for our room service, and are itching more and more each day to sleep in our own beds :)

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