Friday, July 15, 2011

I believe we requested peanut butter sir!

Funny story for the day....

Amber is STILL not feeling up to par. She has been diligent about taking her prescription of water with electrolytes and pain Meds, but they just haven't kicked in quite yet.

Marilyn and I had plans to do some more screening at the Autism unit, so we hit up breakfast at the Peacock before heading out with Christopher and our newly found driver Cyprian who has been so kind to take us anywhere and everywhere we have requested the past couple of days. He was so kind hearted as to not charge us for the ride to and from the hospital yesterday.

Anyways... Back to breakfast at the hotel.... Marilyn, Amber, and I have all been enjoying the Swahili Sweet Pancakes with freshly prepared peanut butter and bananas. Such a yummy combination. The past couple of days, however, there has been no peanut butter out. Being the ugly Americans that we can all be sometimes, we have requested the peanut butter and they have brought out a small dish for our dining pleasure. This morning, again there was no peanut butter so we called one of the gentlemen over and politely asked for a small portion of peanut butter. The gentlemen looked at us with a perplexed look and said "sure sure" and off he went into the back kitchen. 5 minutes later and already one pancake down, he returned and assured us that they were preparing it and it would only be a few more minutes. Marilyn and I had a laugh because we have often said "things in Africa take TIME" we also found it a bit strange that they had to "prepare" such a condiment. We again joked that maybe they were having to grow the peanuts! All this joking soon came back to bite us in the butt, when the man emerged from the kitchen carrying a PINA COLADA. Language barrier indeed!!! We laughed and laughed and the waiter could not understand what was so funny. We didn't want to hurt his feelings so decided to dowthe drink together and head to the school. Nothing like a little cocktail at nine in the morning!

We are excited to sleep in the next couple of days before starting at the school again on Monday. Stay tuned for this weekends adventure and we plan to tour the Tanzanian brewery and visit Coco Beach.

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